Stained-glass artist
born on July 15th, 1961 at Rhoon (NL)
A meeting, a way towards another country, France, in 1988
School of fine Arts, Rotterdam (NL), School of Fine Arts, Angers (F)
Painter of Delft earthenware in the Netherlands
Decorator of Moustiers Ste. Marie earthenware in France
Various private lessons of watercolor and alive model
Another discovery of art: the transparency.
In 1998 a world opens
Vocational training in Marseille, moving on 14km to Ongles.
The opening of the stained-glass studio in 2005 at Le Rocher d’Ongles
Frequenzen Symposium Passages, Rocher d’Ongles, 2013
work in progress
Empreinte 2014, Comtoise à balancelle
Empreinte Graffiti et empreinte Eco
Empreinte Vitrail