Martin Blumöhr
Nordbayerischer Kurier 6-11-2020
Symposium 2019 France – Libres Bal(l)ades
For this symposium, planned from the 1st to the 7th of July 2019 in Rocher D’Ongles (France), we chose the theme Libres Bal(l)ades with the association J’Ongles Art.
It will be organized by our artist colleagues Gilles Brun and Ans Barille-Riedijk.
Balade means walking aimlessly without precisly knowing were to go and Ballade means little poetry and songs to dance to. Those two terms refer to the idea of freedom and lightness, movement, wandering, discovery, musicality, poetry, writing…
As a European Art Group, Frequenzen organize meetings with school children and these meetings are always interesting for both sides. Since these collaborations are appreciated, we’ve been in contact with the schools of Ongles, Revest des Brousses and Limans and we propose to work on the theme creating a path throughout the streets of the village.
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Tobias Krug in EXPO – Was ist Zeit?
„Was ist Zeit?” 1. Mai bis 10. Juni 2018
TOBIAS KRUG, Glas und Malerei
KARL WITTI, Zeichnungen und Malerei

Begrüssung: Landrat Thomas Eichinger, Andrew Malura
Einführung: Christian Burchard
Musik: Masako Ohta
Mühlweg 2, 86944 Oberdießen
Andrew Malura
Tel. 082433638 oder 01703231634
Öffnungszeiten: Sa.+ So. 14 -18 Uhr, u.n. Vereinbarung – Café geöffnet!
Tobias Krug in EXPO – ZEIT
75. Ausstellung der KLARTEXT Ausstellungsreihe:
Fremde Blicke und Blicke auf das Fremde
Eröffnung: Freitag, 02. März 2018 18 Uhr
Grafik von Tobias Krug
KLARTEXT e.V., Zentrum für Sprache, Kultur, Beruf
Augustenstraße 77
80333 München
Tel. 089 – 540 46 98-20
Zeiten: Mo – Fr 9:30 – 19:00
Tobias Krug in EXPO – Moment
Tobias Krug
Moment, Grafik und Glas
Ausstellungsdauer 17.06. – 05.09.2017
Vernissage: Freitag, den 16.06.2017 ab 19.30 Uhr (Einlass)
Einführung: Matthias Schüßler, Kulturkurator
Zur Vernissage präsentieren die Künstlerinnen Stephanie movall und Sieglinde Maerzke ab 20 Uhr die Performance KONFLIKTFERTIG.
25.06. und 27.06., 16-19 Uhr Teilnahme an der Stadtteilwoche Neuhausen-Nymphenburg
21.07., 15 Uhr, Vortrag und Präsentation von Planetenmusik mit Werkhaus Musikern zum Tag der offenen Tür
Finissage: Freitag, den 01.09.2017 ab 19.30 Uhr (Einlass)
Werkhaus, Leonrodstr.19 Rgb., München,
Öffnungszeiten tägl. u. nach Vereinbarung mit Kulturkurator Matthias Schüßler, Tel.: 0152/16235 108
Seerosenpreis Tobias Krug
EINLADUNG zur Verleihung des Seerosenpreises 2016
Donnerstag, den 11. August 2016 19 Uhr
im Kunstpavillon Alter Botanischer Garten München am Stachus, Sophienstr. 7a
Konrad Hetz
Preisverleihung durch Herrn Stadtrat
Marian Offman
Christian Burchard
12.8. – 28.8.2016
Di. – Sa. 13 – 19 Uhr
So. 11 – 17 Uhr
Tobias Krug erhält zusammen mit Franz Ferdinand Wörle den Seerosenpreis der Landeshauptstadt München für das Jahr 2016.
Mit dem Preis ist verbunden eine Ausstellung im Kunstpavillon im Alten Botanischen Garten München vom 11. – 28. August 2016. Preisverleihung ist am Donnerstag, den 11. August im Kunstpavillon in München, Alter Botanischer Garten.
Charles Gatt: Made in MT – Maltese Art Now
Gerda Pohley
1922 geb. Noßwilz Krs. Glogau/Schlsien. 1940-49 Studium: Staat. Hochschule für Kunster ziehung. Berlin, Prof. Waillard, Prof. W. Jaeckel, Prof. W Dexel (Hochschulpreis). Berlin Universität: Germanistik Kunstgeschichte, Bonn/Köln, Göttingen, Berlin. I-II Staatsexamen. Lehrtatigkeit im höheren Schüldienst, Stüd. Dir. am Staat, BezirksseminarKölnt: Fach Künst Künstwissenschaft. ab 1968 verstärkte künstl. Tätigkeit (Intrographie). 1979 Pensionierüng, danach freischaftende Künstl. Tätigkeit in Bayern.
ab 1981-2004 30 Einzel-ünd 200 Aüsstellüngs – beteiligüngen üia 2n-ünd Aüslandstadt, Galerie Ingoestadt Hahnentangünd Köln, Künfürstl. Geintnerhaüs Bonn Sohloßgalerie Glogow/Polen, Mursko Sogoten, Europäen Artist Group “Frequenzen”, Slovenien in Deutschland, Österreich, Ungern Rt – Grup, Forum in Polen – Künstlevgitele eiv., Ess., Genok, BBK Bayern Kunstunser Tagein, Wien, Budapest, Ägypten Haus d Kunst Mis., Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Kunstpreis deustadt Ingolstadt mit Retrospektive
Peter Weber
Lorenz Fjodorow
Exhibition Flutung – il Flusso I to celebrate the 30 year partnership between Lazise (Italy) and Rosenheim (Germany) at the old stadium of the custom-house of Lazise, Italy
Symposium Flutung – il Flusso II in Rosenheim, Germany
Exhibition at the VHS Rosenheim, Germany
Symposium Künstler für Europa (Artists for Europe) at the Museum in the artists’ Village Neumarkt a.d. Raab, Austria
Exhibition at the Village Gallery in Neumarkt a.d. Raab, Austria
Symposium Die heilige Elisabeth – soziale Probleme gestern – heute – morgen (Saint Elizabeth – social problems yesterday – today – tomorrow)
in collaboration with the Fränkische Schweiz-Museum Tüchersfeld, Germany
Symposium at the Museum in the Artists’ Village Neumarkt a. d. Raab, Austria
Symposium and Exhibition at the University of Kaposvár, Hungary
supported by the University of Kaposvár
Symposium in Ascoli Piceno/Italy
Exhibition Le nostre azioni determinano la vita delle generazioni di domani (Our actions determine the life of future generations) in Monsampolo del Tronto, Italy
Exhibition at the Kallmann-Museum in Munich, Germany
Exhibition of the Hungarian Frequenzen at Duna Galéria, Budapest, Hungary
Symposium and Exhibition at the civic Museum (Museo Civico) / former monastery San Francesco in Monsampolo del Tronto, Italy, Transito con catene al km 199 (Transit with snow chains at km 199), catalogue
supported by the chamber of commerce Ascoli Piceno (CCIAA) and private sponsors
Symposium at the Museum in the Artists’ Village Neumarkt a.d. Raab, Austria
Exhibition at the Village Gallery in Neumarkt a.d. Raab, Austria
Symposium and exhibition in collaboration with the Fränkische Schweiz-Museum, Tüchersfeld, Germany
Artists and Museum (catalogue)
supported by the Bavarian State Ministry (Bayerisches Staatsministerium) for Education, Culture, Science and Art, the Baugruppe Blank/Kreul GmbH, Künstlerbedarf Pflaums, Posthotel Pegnitz, Kreissparkasse Bayreuth
Exhibition at Silvretta Samnaun, Switzerland
supported by Mrs. E. Gugganig-Zegg and Mrs. J. Brock Marketing
Symposium Künstler leben Europa (Artists live Europe) at the Farmhouse Museum in the Artists’ Village Neumarkt a.d. Raab, Austria
Exhibition at the Village Gallery
Exhibition (Artists live Europe) at the Bürgerhaus Garching, Munich, Germany
Symposium in Valletta, Malta after an invitation from the German-Maltese Circle
Exhibition in the Museum of Fine Arts Valletta and in the Messina Palace Valletta, Malta
Exhibition in the rooms of the Regierung of Oberbayern, Munich, Germany
Exhibition at the town hall of Rosenheim, Germany
supported by the city council of Rosenheim
1997 / 1998
Catalogue Edition
Documentation of the work between 1996 -1998 supported by the Bavarian State Ministry (Bayerisches Staatsministerium) for Education, Culture, Science and Art and private sponsors
Symposium in the Artists’ Village Neumarkt a.d.Raab, Austria
Foundation of the Austrian EKG Frequenzen in Jennersdorf, Austria
Exhibition in the rooms of the German Embassy in Brussels, Belgium
Exhibition at the European Patent Office, Munich, Germany
Conclusion of a three year plan Europe as a basis for a peaceful future with performances in Belgium, Germany, Italy, Malta, Austria and Hungary
Symposium in Cadipietra and Luttach, Valle Aurina, Italy
Exhibition at the Scuola Elementare in Cadipietra,Valle Aurina, Italy
supported by the Bavarian State Ministry (Bayerisches Staatsministerium) for Education, Culture, Science and Art as well as the Kunstmyst – Michael Pacher, Luttach, Italy
Foundation of the Hungarian EKG Frequenzen in Budapest, Hungary
Exhibition in Baldham, Germany
Symposium in the Artists’ Village Neumarkt a.d. Raab, Austria
Exhibition at the Village-Gallery in Neumarkt a.d. Raab, Austria
Workshop and exhibition in Baldham, Germany
According to the advice of members of the European Parliament: Conclusion to form an association to support the serious concerns in Art
Exhibition at the ENN-Gallery of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, Ebersberg, Germany
Symposium Think European in Zanka, Hungary
Exhibition in Zanka, Hungary and OTP Bank Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Workshop and exhibition in Baldham, Germany
Symposium European Artist Forum Europe = Meeting = Surviving
in the Artists’ Village Neumarkt a.d. Raab, Austria
Workshop and exhibition at the Elisenhofgalerie, Munich, Germany
Panel discussion in cooperation with the Hanns Seidl Stiftung at the Künstlerhaus Munich, Germany
(with Christoph Vitali, Dr. Eckehard Mai, Secretary of State Hans Bohm, Dr. F. Hufnagel)
Exhibition at the Kulturforum, Bürgerhaus Garching, Munich, Germany
Foundation of the European Artgroup FREQUENZEN in January 1992
Workshop and exhibition at the citadel and Csiskas Gallery, in the Park of the Academy of Science and in the old town of Veszprém, Hungary
Catalogue Edition supported by the Foreign Office, Bonn, Germany, and the Goethe lnstitut, Budapest, Hungary
Exhibition at the Harder Bastei, lngolstadt, Germany
Private initiative
Collective cooperation and exhibition in Baldham, Germany
Hans Verduijn
Harald Thaler
Date of birth: 1974, South Tyrol/Bozen
School of art: St. Jakob Ahrntal
Art project:
Member of European art group “Frequenzen e.V.” since 2006
Symposiums and art works in Germany, Austria, Italy and Switzerland
Michel Schmid
I was born in 1945 and as a child I spent a lot of time painting and drawing.
At the age of 11, I saw the film “le mystère Picasso” and this movie was an impression which influenced my later style.
As a teenager I wanted to follow an art course, but, being an obedient son, I became an electronic engineer.
Except for a short break of a few years, I continued to draw and paint while I was doing my technical work. In the late ’90s I devoted more time to painting than to my professional work. In my studio in Geneva a thorough research in colour and design brought me to the third dimension, and this initiated my interest in sculpture.
In 2004, when I retired my wife and myself moved to Haute-Provence and I started working with Iron.
In 2008 the sculptural work became so important that I had to stop painting. Since then, I have been working almost exclusively with Iron sheet, formed either in a hot or cold way and then welded. I like this material for the constraints it implies, being cold, sharp, sometimes dangerous, but at the same time allowing the building of warm and sensual shapes.
Most of my works are rather abstract, in the sense that they don’t represent anything but rather suggest and transmit emotion. Most of the time, the emotion has its source in a shape thought, dreamt, or felt. However, the source can also be a social or political event.
- Phoenix III, 2014
- Fat doubt, 2014
- Cycle, 2013
- Cycle, 2013
- Passage IV, 2013
- Passage III, 2013
- Frequenzen Symposium Passages, Le Rocher d’Ongles, 2013
- Frequenzen Symposium Passages, Le Rocher d’Ongles, 2013
Janos Miklos Kadar
Sabine Meyer
Throughout the early ’80’s I gained experience as a free lance photographer in Berlin, Germany.
I later expanded my skills in Milan,Italy, working alongside Gianni Baggi as a photo assistant in his commercial advertising photography studio.
I then undertook various assignments such as still life, industrial reportage, portraiture and fashion.
I’m collaborating with the German production ClassicConcept for video productions.
I am living in Ascoli Piceno, Italy and at the moment I’m mainly working in reportage and Fine Art photography
About the photo choice on this page:
Artists’ portraiture:
The artists’ portraits are the spotaneous results achieved during collective art work events. They reflect the emotional relationship between the artist as actor and the photographer as observer. The artist’s hands as the main instrument of creativity play an important role in my work.
Moonlight sets
I compose and shoot small sets with just the light of the full moon every month: my subjects come from nature like little plants, shells or bones found in the surrounding areas.
I live by the sea. In my photos I explore the eternal movement of water, its creative and often destructive power and the continuous transformation of landscapes touched by water.
In my landscapes I attempt to bring out the light and the dark.
Artists’ portraiture
- Hubert Ambros A., sculptor, Germany
- Josef Baier, sculptor, Austria
- Menyhárt Tamás, painter, Hungary
- Toshihiro Hasegawa, sculptor, Japan
- Tobias Krug, painter, Germany
- Jean-Pierre Dupont, painter, France
- Menyhárt Tamás, painter, Hungary & Kristina Kanaan, painter and sculptor, Germany
- Aka B, painter, Italy
Moonlight sets
- moonlight set 1
- moonlight set 2
- moonlight set 3
- moonlight set 4
- no title
- no title
- no title
- no title
- no title
- no title
- no title
- no title
Tobias Krug
- 1972 Born in Munich, Germany
- 1994 – 1997 Professional Institute for glass and jewelry, Neugablonz, Germany
- 1997 – 2001 Academy of Fine Arts, Prof. L.Gosewitz: Glass, Munich, Germany
- since 2001 free lance artist
- since 2003 member of the European Artist Group ‘FREQUENZEN e.V.’
- since 2004 member of the Munich Artist Club ‘Seerosenkreis’
Kristina Kanaan
Kristina Kanaan is an artist working since 1988 between Munich, Germany and Le Marche in Italy. She specializes in sculpture, installation, painting and design. She has studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti of Macerata with Prof. Paolo Gallerani from Milano.
Her work has been internationally recognized and has won prestigious awards on many occasions. To name for example, in 1994 she was awarded a Scholarship from Rotary Club International-District 2090, Club Altavallesina Grottefrassassi Italy, she has won a second prize for a monument in Ponte delle Gabbelle in Milano in 1996.
The same year, she won the second prize on the 13th Grand Prix International d‘Art Carrara/Hallstahammar, and first prize for her sculpture work in Spinetoli Scultura 2007. She is co-founder of the cultural club “Il giardino erboso” in Monsampolo del Tronto Italy, organizing art courses for children, various art events and exhibitions.
Her interest is to express contemporary art in concepts touching political arguments or attempting to make heavy weight materials appear lighter in her use of different materials such as stone, metal, ceramic, wood, glass and paper.
Exhibitions and symposium include Austria, Cina, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Malta and Sveden.
- Moments, Travertine, 2010
- Moments, Travertine, 2010
- Relations, Pietra di Vicenza, 2010
- Orme, Sand Stone, 2009
- Carpe Diem, Pietra di Vicenza, Steel, 2009
- Carpe Diem, Pietra di Vicenza, Steel, 2009
- Wing, Travertine, 2011
- Solid Liquidity, Travertine, 2001
- Solid Liquidity, Travertine, 2001
- Madreterra, Pietra di Vicenza, 2001
- Partner, Limestone, 2010
- Seed, Limestone, 2011
- Cellule II, Sand Stones, 2010
- R.I.P., Pietra della Maiella, 2007
- Cellule, Pietra di Vicenza, 2006
- Cellule, Pietra di Vicenza, 2006
- Occhio!, Travertine, 2009
different materials
- Occhio!, wood, cinese paper, ink, 2009
- Passages, cypress, 2013
- Instrument, terra cotta, silver plated, 1995
- 0=casual, cinese paper, 2010
- partnership, cinese paper, shells, 2010
- partnership, cinese paper, shells, 2010
- partnership, cinese paper, shells, 2010
- Two of us, paper, sand, silver, acrylic , 1992, 2010
- Diptych, Mare, acrylic, sand, 2004
- Diptich, Mare, acrylic, sand, 2004
- Step by step, acrylic, sand, stones, 2013
- Colorado, Provence, acrylic, soil, 2013
Irene Hallmann Strauss
Since the beginning of my artistic career I’ve always felt the need to discover the roots of human behavior and to express them in my work.
We have to accept that the behavior of man, whether it is good or bad, is part of our environment and we have to deal with it.
Avidity and overbearing power, compassion and personal compromise, intellect and feeling – these contrasts determine our life. I’m looking for the clearest, simplest, esthetically purest possibility of expression in my artistic language.
Setting intellect and sensibility – man and nature in reference to human acting, with colours and shapes do determine my expression.
Charles Gatt
I hope I will be forgiven for introducing a sober matter with one that is personal and close to my experience. As a musician I enjoy working with a group where my effort is to seek a common feeling while everyone improvises in his own individual manner The outcome of this situation is the integration of solo expression in a group of free -thinking individuals who enter, feel and become the music with one harmonic goal in mind. Jazz is at once music of the individual and music of the collective-a balance between freedom and necessity.
We can carry the concept of the individual and the collective to arrive at an idea of peace through art. Art is not influenced by differences in culture, living standards or even spiritual viewpoint. It is obvious that the most powerful aspirations of mankind are coming from the same root. The intimate experiences of the heart and spirit are a reality which can be communicated and which every other human being can respond to, no matter how far removed their expression may be from one’s own particular habit of thought. This allows everyone to find his own way and discipline.
Today, information technology has turned us into passive observers of all the political and economic crimes that are being committed. We all discuss the relationship between politics and faith, the development of the poor nations of the world, the place of the individual within society. We need to promote the arts as a symbol of freedom. The arts can protect us against the manipulation of the controlling media and help us avoid further blackmail into impotence. Art can help us find universal reference points which can also be guidelines in the life of each individual person.
Besides thinking, feeling and wanting, the creative urge possesses a sense of goodwill, self-respect together with respect for others and a desire to transform things for the better. Picasso said ‘You must do everything with love.’ Love is the secret of art’s transforming power. This power can help us come clean from this environment of materialism, power, consumerism and hedonism.
Joseph Beuys said that all men are artists. We might only be art lovers. If everyone approaches his work with love we can hope that this will lead us to a harmonious adaptation of our individual differences.
Charles Gatt is a member of the European art group ‘Frequenzen’ and the local art group ‘Start’. Exhibitions and seminars include Rosenheim, Germany, Neumarkt a.d. Raab in Austria, The University of Kaposvar, Hungary and Ascoli Piceno in Italy,
Pataky Galeriaba in Budapest and Triumphforte, Innsbruck, Monsampolo in San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy, Alte Volkschule, Steinhaus in Südtirol (Art performance) Chongju and Gaya in South Korea, Tüchersfeld: Frankische Schweiz Museum, Germany in 2000, Neumarkt in Austria, “Changes” sound installation at the Nationnal Museum of fine Arts “Blitz” at the “Malta at War Museum” in Vittoriosa , “Borders” at Pinto Wharf, “Escape” at the Old Prisons, Citadel, Gozo and Cityspaces in Valletta.
Szabo Gabor
Born 1940 in Budapest
School of Arts Budapest
Academy of Arts, Budapest
Professor of Art Education
Founding member of the European Artist group FREQUENZEN e.V. 1992
Co-founder of first Hungarian sculptor Symposium in Siklos-Villany,
Member of the Executive Board of
Young Artists, the Union of Artists,
Committee of the Association of Sculptors
Since 1996 member of FREQUENZEN Hungary. Exhibitions in Hungary, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Canada, Norway, Poland, Russia, Swe- den, USA, India, Austria.
Robert Engl
He is working in Sterzing (South Tirol). He’s mainly using wood, clay, stone and colour. In the plastic creation he’s looking for a reduced archaic design wich is increased by the treatment of the surface. The “LANDART” works are in harmony with the surrounding nature and is submissioned by a natural transience.
Dierk Engelken
- 26.7.1941 born in Elbing, Germany, painter and sculptor; President of Honour of IAA (International Association of Art); Member of Bundesverband Bildender Künstler, Bonner Künstlergruppe, VG Bild Kunst
- living and working in Bonn; studied at Universities of Cologne, Bonn, Düsseldorf; Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf ;
- 1969 “Meisterschüler”; 1973-2001 gave lectures of Art at Pädagogische Hochschule Rheinland and Universities of Cologne and Bonn; chairman of Germination Deutschland; Personal exhibitions in Germany and foreign countries; exhibitions and Art Actions since 1969 in about 160 cities.
- Since 1970 about 180 essays have been published in catalogues, magazines, press, radio and television about the works of Dierk Engelken.
- Author of more than 320 essays and critics about art.
- torre
- Town Hall, Rocher d’Ongles, France, 2013
- Town Hall, Rocher d’Ongles, France, 2013
- R. bei Bonn, Rendez-vous-Technik, 113cm x 146,5cm, 2008
- R. bei Bonn, Graphitzeichnung auf Papier, 60,5cm x 84,5cm, 2008
- Traum oder Trauma, Federzeichnung, 100cm x 70cm
Ans Barillé-Riedijk
Stained-glass artist
born on July 15th, 1961 at Rhoon (NL)
A meeting, a way towards another country, France, in 1988
School of fine Arts, Rotterdam (NL), School of Fine Arts, Angers (F)
Painter of Delft earthenware in the Netherlands
Decorator of Moustiers Ste. Marie earthenware in France
Various private lessons of watercolor and alive model
Another discovery of art: the transparency.
In 1998 a world opens
Vocational training in Marseille, moving on 14km to Ongles.
The opening of the stained-glass studio in 2005 at Le Rocher d’Ongles
- Frequenzen Symposium Passages, Rocher d’Ongles, 2013
- work in progress
- Empreinte 2014, Comtoise à balancelle
- Empreinte Graffiti et empreinte Eco
- Empreinte Vitrail
Jean-Pierre Dupont
Born in Strasbourg, I discovered the “Haute –Provence” in 1967, fell in love with it and came to live here in Summer 1970.
After various small works, I joined the Départment of Education in 1978 as a teacher of plastic arts in a secondary school, keeping in line with my approach to the landscape. I retired in 2008.
I took part in several collective and personal exhibitions in the région P.A.C.A, in the East of France, Lyon, Paris. Among the most recent ones:
the « Rotonde » and « The House of Brian » in Simiane la Rotonde in July 2009,
in N.D des Neiges in Ardèche
in the cathedral of Sisteron the whole Summer 2010
in Switzerland in Neuchatel November 2011
in Montfroc and Serres les Alpes in September 2011 and 2012
and in Digne in January 2013
Zoltan Debreczeny
Born in 1952 in Veszprem
Selft-taught and graduate of the Institute of Engineers City Council in Veszprem
Exhibitions in Hungary, Germany, Austria, Italy.
Gilles Brun
Self-taught sculptor
Born in France 15/11/1953
Worked in Germany from 1990 to 1995, met Frequenzen.
During the last 30 years, he had different phases of work, using various materials: wood, metal, stone and paper.
At present he is building his house and his studio in Ongles in the Alpes of the Haute Provence.
- work in progress
- Frequenzen Symposium Passages, Le Rocher d’Ongles, 2013